
Object Model Generator: Version 0.2 Released

I have just placed version 0.2 of the binary and source of the Object Model Generator on its web page…. You can read the copy of the original post, or if that goes down too, you can try the Wayback Machine’s copy of it. Context: This post was automatically imported from my old blog, which was originally hosted on Microsoft’s ASP.NET Community Blogs. When they shut it down, I dumped all of my old posts to Wordpress. You can still check out the original blog on the Wayback Machine.
1 min read

A Naive Idea?

Scoble talks about a ‘controversy’ that’s been going on in the Microsoft developer world today. Please read his words on the subject before reading this, for dramatic purposes. :)… You can read the copy of the original post, or if that goes down too, you can try the Wayback Machine’s copy of it. Context: This post was automatically imported from my old blog, which was originally hosted on Microsoft’s ASP.NET Community Blogs. When they shut it down, I dumped all of my old posts to Wordpress. You can still check out the original blog on the Wayback Machine.
1 min read


A post on DanF’s weblog (via Scoble) reminded me of the thing I despise most about the MSDN: Samples for language reference…. You can read the copy of the original post, or if that goes down too, you can try the Wayback Machine’s copy of it. Context: This post was automatically imported from my old blog, which was originally hosted on Microsoft’s ASP.NET Community Blogs. When they shut it down, I dumped all of my old posts to Wordpress. You can still check out the original blog on the Wayback Machine.
1 min read