
The CLR, Dependency Properties, Routed Events and Cider

Dependency Properties and Routed Events are special WPF mechanisms that can be used in place of the CLR’s normal Properties and Events, since they are more powerful, although less typed. You can even define a dependency property or routed event without a matching property or event and one can access the property’s value or attach to the event using simple code…. You can read the copy of the original post, or if that goes down too, you can try the Wayback Machine’s copy of it.
1 min read

PRIVACY ALERT: Have More Than One GMail Account? You are Exposed!

I don’t use GMail as my primary address, but it’s a very useful service. It’s lean, fast (if you use the old UI) and it’s portable (duh)…. You can read the copy of the original post, or if that goes down too, you can try the Wayback Machine’s copy of it. Context: This post was automatically imported from my old blog, which was originally hosted on Microsoft’s ASP.NET Community Blogs. When they shut it down, I dumped all of my old posts to Wordpress.
1 min read

Life With WPF: 10 Things Wrong With WPF Today

[Caveat: This is constructive criticism about XAML and the current version of WPF. They both have their strengths and things I love about them and they both may become better over time, but this is about what we have today.]… You can read the copy of the original post, or if that goes down too, you can try the Wayback Machine’s copy of it. Context: This post was automatically imported from my old blog, which was originally hosted on Microsoft’s ASP.
1 min read